Monday 19 August 2013

Mo Cheddah Talks About Her Unclad Photo Scandal

Rap singer, Mocheddah, got to chat with Nonye of PunchNg about her life and her career.
And during the interview, her Unclad photo scandal was brought up.
You remember that some time ago, this Unclad picture of petite female singer, (pic above) Mo Cheddah was posted on her Instagram account. And trust Nigerians who expect so much from their artistes, Mo got so lashed for it.

Read below what Mo got to say about the picture she "mistakenly" sent to a male artiste.

You have been off the scene for a while…

Yes. It is true. But I went back into the studios some months ago and I started recording. I have shot a couple of videos and I am still shooting. Very soon, everything will be unveiled.

You went back to school when your career was blooming. Why?
I was already in school. I started music when I was in my JSS 2. I have been doing music for a long time. My mum was scared. She wanted me to go to school. She told me that if I must do music, I must go to school. So I couldn’t just compromise that request. I was in my first year when I did my hit track. But it never crossed my mind not to go to school. It wasn’t an option.

Was it easy coping with fame and your studies?

It wasn’t easy. I was young. I wasn’t old and grey and tired. School wasn’t going to kill me. God was just faithful. There were times I would be so tired from the shows and recording sessions. I would have an exam and I would also need to travel to perform somewhere. I would be an hour late for my exams; I would read on the plane. In all this, I worked through them. Even my classmates asked me how I was able to do this. I loved it all. I was grateful for it and I was happy because I had work at that young age.

When you went back to school, some other female artistes came into the scene and somehow, everybody forgot about you. So would you think it was a wise decision continuing with your studies at the time you did?

You cannot live your life for people. We are all living our lives. I am where I want to be. I am just having fun and I am not paying attention to what is going on around me. It is all about me. I am happy.

You were still coping with fame when you got the SoulMate brand ambassadorship. How were you able to manage?

I still do not know. I am where I am today. It is just His grace and He has been faithful. He has never left me hanging.

The way you are mentioning God, one may think you have become an evangelist…

But we are all evangelists.

As an ‘evangelist’ how come you posted your bikini picture on your Instagram page? A lot of people even felt you uploaded that picture as publicity stunt…

I am not going to say anything about that picture.

Showbiz comes with a lot of challenges, has it been easy for you?

Earlier on, it was tough when you open the papers and magazines and people are talking about you. It got to me. But with time, I had to develop a thick skin. With age comes confidence and confidence comes with wisdom. It now becomes what you think of yourself and what your family thinks about you. I got a tough skin over the years. People would always talk about you. It doesn’t happen to you alone. It comes with the territory. There are some people who they don’t even get to hear about. For them to talk about you and even ‘cook’ up stories, it then means you are special. I see a silver lining when I hear stuff about me. I always move on.

Was it your ‘thick skin’ that made you to overcome the scandal of your alleged Unclad picture that went viral?

I don’t know. I don’t remember anything about that. I am not going to defend myself. I don’t always have to do that. People will always talk about you. They will always pick on meaningless things. As a human being, you have to move on.

But really, were those pictures yours?

I will not answer that question.

Did that episode, whether true or false, have any effect on you and your career?

At that point, I had grown a thick skin. I wasn’t depressed. It is just like you waking up and somebody is telling you that you did what you know that you did. Such thing can’t get to you. You don’t have to defend yourself; you just have to move on. Nothing has ever come in between my music and I. Nothing. My school didn’t even affect my music. I am where I am because it is where God wants me to be and it is where I chose to be. Life is all about knowing when to slow down and knowing when to move on. I started music so early and there was a time I was just going on shows, shows and shows. God blessed me so much and I achieved so much at an early age. I had to go into other things. I am an entrepreneur. I am a young lady growing into a young woman. I want to experience the world. That I have not released an album in a couple of years does not mean I am off the scene or that I am no longer relevant. I am an ambassador for brands and I get paid for that. Because I am not on TV doesn’t mean I have been buried.

Why did you choose rap music?

I don’t always plan what I want to do. I always do what I want. When rap came along, it just came. I wasn’t a rapper. I didn’t plan it. I figured I could rap and I decided to go along with it. I wanted to mess with people’s heads. Rapping is just speaking your mind and making it sound as hard as possible. Mo is the singer and Mochedda is my alter ego. Music can’t be put in a box. There are different expressions. I am just an artiste. I can choose to express myself in any way.

Do we see you singing and not rapping soon?

It depends on what we agree to do at the end of the day. I have so many songs now. This new album is about the new me. It is about me as a lady. I like the album already. My fan base has grown. They are no longer 16 years old. They grew just the way I have grown.

Is it because you feel you’ve grown up that you left your label?

I will only say that your secondary school will not be mad at you because you grew and got into the university. Your university will not be mad that you finished and got a job. There is time for everything. I didn’t have any misunderstanding with them. I don’t owe them any album. We are very cool. They are my brothers. I am now on my own. I have my own record label, Cheddah Music. I will soon release my album. You can’t rush music.

Are you sure you can compete with the girls in the industry now?

I am so happy for them. I do music for me. I do music for people to hear me and appreciate the music. No matter how hungry you are, I will not give you raw food. I will boil it and make sure it is ready. I am not in a race.

Who are you currently dating?

I have a boyfriend. I will not like to say who I am dating, but really, I am in a relationship.

What kind of relationship do you have with Eldee?

I will not say anything.

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